"You can only snort so much cocaine..."
This episode is Part 2 of a 4-episode response series from an atheistic perspective to Off The Kirb Ministries’ video titled “Dear Christian, This Is Why You Never Mess With Pornography”, a Christian polemic about the apparent evils of pornography and how to cope with pornography addiction.
Be warned: my responses are light-hearted and sometimes crass, and there are times I break out in uncontrollable laughter.
Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPUtJlZ9nUY
Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tfadpod
For more thought-provoking content, head over to the Tall Friendly Atheist Dad blog at http://www.tallfriendlyatheistdad.com, check out the tweets at http://www.twitter/com/tfadpod, and check out the book "The Best Religion For The Task At Hand" available on iTunes and Google Play.
Music courtesy of Victim Of Illusion from the album “Invisible Light”.
Website: https://victimofillusion.bandcamp.com/
Support independent artists such as Victim Of Illusion by purchase their album direct from https://victimofillusion.bandcamp.com/album/invisible-light